Friday, 4 September 2009



1. noun One who periodically throws precisely-memorised book or film quotes into ordinary conversation. This typically causes a mixed reaction of confusion and annoyance on the part of the recipient, upon which the quotor feeds like a parasite feeds on its host. When one quotor engages another, a Quotor Standoff ensues, with the loser declared the first person to fail to recognise a quote, and laughed at in a ‘braying donkey’ fashion. Quotors typically choose as source material films or books which have attained ‘cult’ status; oft-quoted films are, for instance, the Star Wars trilogy (the original trilogy, of course), and the Cohen Brothers’ The Big Lebowski. Books chosen include The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and any of the Discworld series of novels.

(see also World of Warcraft)